Media Coverage

  • Achieving quality schooling for all South Africa’s learners is within our reach

    Martin Gustafsson, Daily Maverick
    2 July 2024

  • How much money teachers earn in South Africa in 2024

    Staff Writer, BusinessTech
    2 July 2024

  • Education department will hire temps to fill 31 000 teacher vacancies

    Umamah Bakharia, Mail & Guardian
    24 April 2024

  • Angie Motshekga Issues Order Permitting Schools to Hire Temps to Alleviate 31,000 Teacher Shortage

    Zingisa Chirwa, Briefly
    19 April 2024

  • Vacant teacher posts in state schools rocket to more than 31,000

    Tamar Kahn, Business Day
    17 April 2024

  • Upcoming mass teacher retirement poses ‘serious’ problems, with Maths and under-resourced provinces most at risk – experts

    Msindisi Fengu, Daily Maverick
    21 December 2023

  • Education in Crisis | Basic Education Denies Teacher Shortage

    14 August 2023

  • South African children’s grim prospects in a failing education system

    Rosa Sommer, Mail & Guardian
    20 April 2023

  • One of the biggest teacher problems in South Africa

    Staff Writer, Business Tech
    27 March 2023

  • Teacher crisis in South Africa – government responds

    Staff Writer, Business Tech
    4 January 2023

  • Covid-19 exacerbated emigration among nurses but tampered it for teachers

    Genevieve Serra, Weekend Argus
    3 December 2022

  • Discussion: 49% of teacher close to retirement – study

    2 December 2022

  • An expected teacher exodus in South Africa could be a good thing

    Claire Bisseker, Financial Mail
    1 December 2022

  • Half of state schoolteachers headed for retirement: study

    Kgaugelo Masweneng, TimesLive
    1 December 2022

  • End terms: Half of SA’s public school teachers will retire in the next decade, new study predicts

    Tebogo Monama, News24
    1 December 2022

  • Teaching degrees have lower entrance requirements than other degrees – research

    Tebogo Monama, News24
    1 December 2022

  • Reports of teachers retirement wave dilemma

    Nicola Daniels, Cape Times
    1 December 2022

  • Vlaag onderwysers tree binne 10 jaar af

    Malherbe Nienaber, Die Burger
    1 December 2022

  • ‘Vlaag’ van onderwysers gaan in volgende 10 jaar aftree

    Malherbe Nienaber, Netwerk24
    1 December 2022

  • New Stellenbosch University report warns of teacher retirement wave

    Makhosazane Twala, Jacaranda FM
    1 December 2022

  • Stellenbosch University researchers to release reports into teacher demographics in South Africa

    Newzroom Afrika
    1 December 2022

  • Discussion: Expected wave of teacher retirement

    1 December 2022

  • Provinces aren’t hiring enough teachers, despite a growing need and sufficient supply – Stellenbosch university report

    Aiden Louw, Daily Maverick
    1 December 2022

  • Schools in South Africa face a teacher crisis

    1 December 2022

  • How much money teachers really earn in South Africa

    1 December 2022

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