Teacher supply and demand

Working papers

  • A.  

    Projections of Educators by Age and Average Cost to 2070. (Draft Report)

    (M. Gustafsson, 2022). The associated Excel model is available here.

  • F.  

    Projections of Educators by Age and Average Cost to 2070. (Final Report)

    (M. Gustafsson, 2023). The associated Excel model is available here.

    To see a video which explains key points of the report, click here. The video script is available here.

  • G.  

    Provincial Educator Demand Projections for South Africa, 2021-2030

    (B. Böhmer & M. Gustafsson, 2023).

Research notes


Public expenditure on education

Research notes

Recruitment, remuneration & working conditions

Working papers

  • B.  

    The Teacher Labour Market and Pay: How does it compare to other professions?

    (D. Shepherd, 2022a).

  • C.  

    Teachers’ level of education and employment over the last two decades: What can be learnt from labour force survey data?

    (D. Shepherd, 2022b).

  • E.  

    South African teacher shortages as revealed through class sizes and learner-educator ratios: An exploratory analysis.

    (G. Wills, 2023).

  • I.  

    “An overall pattern of dissatisfaction”? Interviews with primary school teachers on motivation, experience and recruitment

    (J. Kruger, D. Hompashe & L. Swelindawo, 2024).

Research notes

Teacher Training

Working papers

  • C.  

    Teachers’ level of education and employment over the last two decades: What can be learnt from labour force survey data?

    (D. Shepherd, 2022b).

  • D.  

    The Quality of Primary Mathematics Teacher Preparation in South Africa: Findings from PrimTEd.

    (N. Roberts & Q. Moloi, 2022).

Research notes

Special Topics

Working papers

  • H.  

    Who and How Matters: Using situated expectancy value theory to explore the mathematics performance of Grade 9 learners in South Africa

    (M. G. Takalani & D. L. Shepherd, 2023).

Research notes

  • Note 10:

    What are the levels of in-service teacher knowledge?

  • Note 13:

    The impact of teacher retirements on inclusive education: A dark cloud, or one with a silver lining?

    Plain text version can be downloaded by clicking here.