Working papers and reports
Research notes
Key findings from the third year of TDD research are summarised in the research notes below. More notes will be added as the year progresses.
Note 13:
The impact of teacher retirements on inclusive education: A dark cloud, or one with a silver lining?
(N. Deghaye, 2024). Plain text version can be downloaded by clicking here.
Working papers
Research notes
Key findings from the second year of TDD research are summarised in the research notes below. More notes will be added as the year progresses.
Working papers
Projections of Educators by Age and Average Cost to 2070. (Draft Report)
(M. Gustafsson, 2022). The associated Excel model is available here.
Research notes
The findings from the first year of TDD research are summarised in a series of research notes. The research notes are largely based on working papers A-D above, but also incorporate relevant findings from previous research.
The Synthesis of Findings (Research Notes 1-11) contains all eleven notes in a single document.
The research notes are also available as separate documents below: